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Dr Raymond Setzen - “HIFU-Clinical Application in South Africa for Treatment of Fibroids”
HIFU-Clinical application in South Africa for treatment of fibroids
HIFU application in South Africa
HIFU Video introduced by Dr Sevellaraja Supermaniam
HIFU and FIBROID Part 3 | APAGE – ISMIVS HIFU (AIH) 2020 Webinar
HIFU and FIBROID Part 3 | Panel Discussion
Does HIFU Affect Fertility?
Prof Felix Wong - “HIFU in SAR-Hong Kong and Potential of HIFU”
Introduction by Chairman : Prof/Dr Lee Keen Whye
Is it possible to treat fibroid & adenomyosis with non-surgical therapy in Nigeria?
20200709 APAGE-ISMIVS HIFU (AIH) 2020 Webinar Episode 3
Dr Sevellaraja Supermaniam - “Uterine Rupture after Myomectomy and Caesarean section”